There are a lot of bathtub shoppers out there that think Corner Bathtub With Shower combination units are always smaller than the "usual" corner and bathtub shower combination units that they are used to. Thankfully, this is not true at all! While there are some combination units that are smaller, there are plenty that - because the width of the tub can be expanded and/or can be cast in several shapes - are just as large as the "usual" bathtubs if not even larger! For most families, however, it is not the size of the bathtub that is important; it is the versatility of the shower feature.
The Corner Bathtub With Shower is very popular among elderly people and those who have muscular and skeletal problems. These people choose the corner shower tub unit because it is easy to install chairs or build benches into the sides of the tubs. This allows them the opportunity to rest easily while they are in the shower without having to lower themselves all the way to the floor of the tub.