If you're unaware, in D2R Items you would hire followers to go through Hell's gates with you, however when the followers were killed, you needed be able to rehire them using cold hard cash. A new follower was introduced in every zone, which means there were some who were better than others.
This evolved into Diablo 3, where instead of employing mercenaries you gained three companions in the story-driven campaign. You had the Scoundrel, Sorceress, and Templar, who represented ranged DPS tank, ranged DPS, as well as magic users respectively.In my Diablo 4 adventure I only encountered friendly NPCs who stuck around for a dungeon or two before vanishing to the sunset. When I inquired of Jackson about how the game's follower function would work in the game, they said "for the launch edition of the game we do have places within the story that you'll encounter certain named NPCs following you and helping players figure out what Lilith is doing within the realm of.
"We do not have anything new to make public about the Diablo 2 type follower that you hire - we're going to stick to the campaign as of now." Insist on the current situation.
With a smile, they continue "stay in the loop, we might be able to announce something in the near future to announce but no promises." This immediately led to an explanation from the producer for dungeons Ash Sweetring, who channelled her the Mr. Burns with an 'interesting hand movement within the background. It's a lot of sus.If you're wondering if any variant of the system of followers makes an appearance in Diablo 2 Resurrected buy items, I would rather it was the Diablo-2-style hired guns instead of omnipresent the companions. I enjoyed the wide range of abilities that followers provided during Diablo 2 and would love to see this innovated upon. It will create more possibilities for various build types, as well as incredible demon-slaying abilities chains.