There are eight observed Sabbats consistently and the year is known as The Wheel of The Year.The four significant Sabbats are,Samhain,The Witches'New year,October 31st/November 1st,Imbolc/Candlemas,January 31st/February 2nd,Beltane,April 30th/May 1st,Lughnasadh/Lammas,July 31st/August 1st.The four minor Esabats are,Yule is the Winter Solstice,on or about December 21st,Ostara,on or about March 21st,Litha/Midsummer,Summer Solstice approximately Jewelry Designers In Denver June 21st,and Mabon/Harvest,on or about September 21st.Each and all of the Sabbats have many artworks that can be made to celebrate and respect them.
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